The landscape of the intertidal zone at Bean Hollow State Park is often strange and disorienting, otherworldly.
I wanted to go beneath the surface of the space depicted in these photographs to enter the image at the microscopic level. The painted areas below the photographs represent a small detail taken from the image
above, enlarged by 300-500% of the standard resolution. Areas within the photographs are also expanded with painted
details that disrupt the surface in another attempt to enter the image.
Bean Hollow #1, 2010. 30"h x 24"w. |
Bean Hollow #3, 2010. 30"h x 24"w. |
Bean Hollow, #2, 2010. 30"h x 24"w. |
Bean Hollow #4, 2010. 30"h x 24"w. |
Bean Hollow #5, 2010. 30"h x 24"w. |
Copyright (c) Pamela Dewey, 2011